Paola Dalmasso - Body work & Grinberg method®
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Menstrual cycle, post-caesarean scar, premenopause

Luana came to me after her third pregnancy and her third caesarean section, because she needed to regain well-being.

After a year from the birth she had no menstrual cycle and from the tests carried out she resulted in premenopause, she had hot flashes, that disturbed her a lot and the caesarean scar presented a very annoying altered sensitivity.

We started the sessions and I had no idea or presumption that menstruation should recur: every woman, every body has its own path that it is good to respect, the intention was that she could feel good and that she could recover the qualities of the lower belly area , without discomfort in the scar.

The work done together has allowed her to recover the area of ​​the scar where she now has no discomfort, to have her period again, to no longer have hot flashes and to regain her energy.

This is what I love to do, to support people so that they can feel good and I do it through body work.
If you also want to be supported in this desire, the studio is regularly open (with all the necessary precautions), you can CONTACT ME for a session.

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