Paola Dalmasso - Body work & Grinberg method®
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Light shoulders

June 28, 2023 7.30pm - 9.30pm

sold out

Light Shoulders sounds like the title of a fictional movie and instead you can feel your shoulders lighter.

Hours spent in front of the computer, lifting weights, driving too long or holding babies.
If we combine worries, nervousness and goals to achieve, which are part of everyday life, the combo is done! You will likely react to this by creating tension and having pain in your shoulders.

This is an area that we often tend to keep contracted, almost without realizing it, until we feel the pain and tension: for this reason, in this workshop you will learn to use the possibility of perceiving and using pain to loosen up.

It seems a contradiction to use tension and instead you can have that perception of the shoulders that allows you to relax.

There will be exercises of attention, movement, Stopping movement®, breathing, exercises to learn to relax and rest and more, to allow you to dissolve what you are used to holding in the shoulder line, which is bordering the head, our control tower.

You will be able to experience uniting your thinking with your presence, with your feeling without believing that one should exclude the other.
We are beings endowed with different qualities and you can learn to blend the boundaries between one talent and another, to be who you are.

As in all my sessions I’ll be providing valid, practical tools to manage bothersome pain and symptoms in your shoulders to finally have light shoulders.

Wednesday 28 June 2023
19.30 - 21.30
Contribution 35 euros
in via Curtatone 5 Turin
Number of places limited to 12 participants, by reservation only

Don’t hesitate! Details and bookings here

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