Paola Dalmasso - Body work & Grinberg method®
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June 7, 2023 7.30pm - 9.30pm

sold out

Yes, that’s right, “upright!”
Instead of “stand up straight”, something you’ve been told a thousand times, followed by an immediate thrust upwards, inevitably followed by sagging shortly afterwards.

Here are 2 hours of exercises to uplift your back, freeing it from pain and tension, and to experience once more the pleasure of flexibility and renew your trust in the back of your body, to finally feel you can rely on it.

We will be working on posture, to relieve you from pain, from the neck to the tailbone, with exercises ranging from movement to stopping movement, breathing routines, relaxation and much more.

As in all my sessions I’ll be providing valid, practical tools to manage bothersome pain and symptoms in your back, so you may finally stand upright.

A 2-hour workshop to make your back feel good.

Wednesday 7 June 2023
19.30 - 21.30
Contribution 35 euros
in via Curtatone 5 Turin
Number of places limited to 12 participants, by reservation only

Don’t hesitate! Details and bookings here

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